Feeding the Homeless
Young, entrepreneur and chef, Dee is changing lives through his culinary skills and amazing food each Sunday morning.
Chef Dee’s mission and motivation is to give to others in need through food because it’s a way to connect with them and provide for their immediate need.
Chef Dee wakes up early each Sunday to prepare food for hundreds of homeless people in Oklahoma City. “I look forward to these days because I get to use my culinary skills to bless others in need,” says Chef Dee.
Chef Dee serves approximately 150 homeless people and works with several volunteers each week.
“Be kind, compassionate, and forgiving to each other, in the same way God forgave you in Christ.”
– Ephesians 4:32
Be the Change
Chef Dee is passionate about serving others in need through a cooked meal. Each Sunday morning he and along with several volunteers deliver meals to the homeless across Oklahoma City. You too can be the change that brings about joy and hope.
If you would like to volunteer or donate, we invite you to “Be the Change.”